I am delighted to be included in this online opportunity curated by Alexandra Baraitser in association with Alaxender Hinks and the Cello Factory London. Here are direct links to the video made especially for this show, hand held but worth watching for the poetry read by Harriet Tarlo and a link to the whole exhibition.
Link to the exclusive video
Link to the whole show
ALEXANDRA BARAITSER | ANN GRIM | JOE PACKER | JUDITH TUCKER | SAMUEL ZEALEYACID, (Artists' Community Internationally Dissolved), focuses on the well being of artists affected by self-isolation and whose work reflects some of the emotions they are feeling in these uncertain times.Will the enforced move from physical interaction due to Covid 19 change how we express ourselves? Does self-isolating with other householders make it difficult for an artist to make work?The virus has changed how we behave and live and has brought out many altruistic elements in people, perhaps evidenced by how many have volunteered to help in our communities. The situation may turn us into greener, cleaner more environmentally aware human beings - people have seen the positive environmental impact of staying home as greenhouse gas emissions are down and air quality has temporarily gone up. However one of the biggest changes in our lives is that of being less social and this undoubtedly has a psychological impact. The art world is changing too because artists are working from home, separated from galleries and art schools, whilst coping with the needs of children or elderly parents.
ACID explores how creativity is affected by extreme stress and makes us aware of the frustration some artists are currently experiencing. The exhibition, which is online, makes us think differently about our living space and focuses on the kind of work that can come out of experiencing drastic changes to our economy, work, lifestyle and mental health